Saturday, 28 February 2009
Day out and something found
Bit of this
Retracing my steps from yesterday, I see a speck of bright pink. Yep the scarf I lost.
People getting changed in doorways, then joining in the parade. Energetic dancers wiggle and gyrate to the astonishment of some Oxford shoppers.
I sit for ages watching a group of goths. Many hugs and much touching passes between them. I only see 1 smoking the whole time I am there. They notice me and big boy, I get request to take photo's.
Bit of that
Get up and go.
Helpful police instruction to homeless.
(The Oldie Dictionary For Our Time)
Friday, 27 February 2009
Chat and cat
Bit of this
A friend shows a book of stunning photo's recalling her families travels. The scenes leap off the page, colors, countries, wild life, all have been woven together making a professional looking coffee table book. The project was aided by Aldi, and we agree it was a snip at the price.
The cue is long, we banter to pass the time. He is 91 he tells me, and only old people uses buses. We find we have things in common. I spy a pink chocolate love heart lolly, and buy it, giving it as a belated valentine. "is it edible" he laughs, "I like sweet things".
The tip of cats tail makes the perfect curve of a C hardly discernible against the rest of her black fur. It begs to be traced with a finger.
Bit of that
Chastity belt
The area of land surrounding a nunnery.
(The Oldie- Dictionary For Our Time)
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Enticing things and flash cars
Bit of this
A lethargic gate perks up as we turn into the sports field. Whippet grabs the nearest piece of cut grass flicks it high and belts hell for leather up footie pitch.
Mesmerizing, a blur of silver grey hub caps as they keep pace with me, bowling along with the distinctive blue BMW logo in the centre.
A woman dropping small tit bits on each step, leading up to the canal bridge, encouraging an over enthusiastic retriever puppy up.
Bit of that
but for me it was a lucky find.
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
William Morris and walks
Bit of this
Hordes of green jumpered teenagers everyone complete with clip board walk purposefully by the industrial estate roundabout. Why?
Beautiful subtly lit medieval church. William Morris touches everywhere. Enthusiastic Bob has even put on music to increase the atmosphere as he directs builders lights revealing surprises of vibrant color and details, wetting the appetite for a return daytime visit.
Pictures in the night. Windows frame vignettes, plain vase silhouetted against curtains, an old fashioned standard lamp, complete with large tasseled lampshade reminding me of a hat fit for ladies day at Ascot, leaning at a jaunty angle. The walk becomes a stroll around a street gallery.
Bit of that
The secret of true happiness
lies in taking a genuine interest
in all details of daily life.
(William Morris)
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Bubbles boys and foxes
Bit of this
Small boy gives me a huge connecting hug and lays his head on my chest.
Hearing horses hooves I go to the window. 2 well turned out horses clatter past. They look like part of the hunt. I say a prayer for the fox.
Listening to radio 3, on a whim I reach for the bubbles and watch as they float gracefully down reflecting the lightness of the music.
Bit of that
Fox hunting
Still the most efficient way of ruining crops, frightening sheep, eradicating domestic pets and annoying townies.
(The Oldie Dictionary For Our Time)
Monday, 23 February 2009
Some are in bed others size the day
Bit of this
The sheep were still in bed, all huddled together in a corner, cream oval blobs with black triangular faces.
Donning my Monday Mrs Mop hat, changes me from my usual sauntering Susan into speedy gonzalas, I have soup bubbling on the hob by 9 o clock, do Mrs T cleaning and hoover the car all before lunch.
Next door is mildly put out. The council have failed to fill all holes along her wall. Man about house says nothing as we gaze at the neat job done on ours. Days later I find out, none of our boundary had been creatively marked with spray paint, rather he had spotted their error! and nipped into town for his own can. Hey presto.
Bit of that
Take a minute to do the Stroop test.
It only takes a jiffy less your fuddled like me!
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Laziness and lemons
Bit of this
Dreamily sauntering, I suddenly realize that I am listen to lark song in stereo. It takes me a minute to find their tiny shapes hovering miles up, one on either side.
I want to watch Country File. Not given to day time T.V. my mind zips to the noble activity of the older person, cleaning the brass.
The brass gets a touch of tlc and so do I.
Man about the house gets a surprise as he carves, in an attempt to fill the kitchen with fragrance I stuffed a lemon inside the chicken.
Bit of that
The amount of
sleep needed by the
average person is five
minutes more.
Saturday, 21 February 2009
loosing things
Bit of this
I am enchanted by the ruin. The play of light on brick, receding into darkness. The fountain is a total meditation as I focus and refocus, framing hewn muscle. Best of all is a beautiful elegant woman, the detail when viewed through big boy, is delicate but powerful.
I get lost, ever the opportunist I am on the look out for a shop. Bingo, screaching to a halt, I get my lolly.
Giggling teenagers disappear into darkness. Apparently one has lost her brace down by the rope swings. Torches dart about searching.
Bit of that
Know you limits
recognize your limits and ignore them.
(the little book of stress)
wickedly funny!
Friday, 20 February 2009
Lovely day
Bit of this
The orange disk, that is the promise of the day, creeps over the lip of the hill. A loud bang sends pigeons rocketing skyward, getting lost in the mist.
Whippet is making a racket. When I investigate, the post lady has shoved a large packet through my letter box. This is my much lusted after copy of a library book that failed to turn up on the bargain trolley, all the way from "the Amazon".
By the time I get where I am going the sun is shinning.
There are colonies of snowdrops drawing me on,
with smudges of color and tight buds, that hint of spring, everywhere I look.
Bit of that
Six inch Chinese dwarf wishes to meet
person with similar interests.
(written five feet up a wall in the Bodleian Library. Underneath was written)
ps This took considerable effort.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Carrying on
Bit of this
A man in a blue bobble hat, stood at the bus stop, has a shaggy small dog asleep in a pink push-chair.
Whippet has his 1st of lead walk for weeks. His whole body exudes cheerfulness. Ears back, big grin, wiggling from nose to tail. We meet others on our round. On the way home we call to see Andrew. Whippet knows the way by now. Someone has put flowers on his grave. Gone but not forgotten. He has been dead now longer than he lived, I am greatly cheered. To be forgotten would be as if you had never been.
Kneading soft yeasty dough. It is always a magical childlike moment to peek in the bowl and find is has risen.
Bit if this
Looking up at me from his bath
"how long have I been alive mum"
four years I say
He thinks for a minute and smiles
"thats not long is it mum, I haven't used up much yet then"
(exactly half, and most of that was fighting a loosing battle)
He couldn't wait to grow up, then he would be well, after all in his experience only children have cancer
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Takes all sorts
Bit of this
On the mobile library van, I support it naturally to make sure it is still calling when I am in my dotage, which aint yet!, a lass who I have never met lends me 10p so I can rent a story tape. She lives in, dead friend, Ronnies old house and makes jewelry. Young and enthusiastic, she is a breath of fresh air. There were 4 of us on the van. We need to increase the numbers or else.
Emerging from mist and smoke, the factory chimney is a small statement of beauty catching the eye. I stop with the big boy lens. In the car park is a man showing a well dressed lady a coat on a hanger from the back of his car. They look at me and I look back. We are all barking.
I receive 2 postcard to brighten the grey day. One from Poland and the other from the Netherlands. Least it beats junk mail and bills.
Bit of that
Living in the present
Yesterday is a cancelled cheque.
Tomorrow is a promissory note.
Today is cash in hand; spend it
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Fights of imagination
Bit of this
SHARMANKA Travelling Circus
I wear a shocking pink scarf, turban style, that little sis gave me. I glimpse my reflection, but I only see the startling swirl of color, not the lined haggard face it frames. I feel exotic. Corse what the world and it's wife sees does not bear thinking about. So I don't.
My windows are sparkly clean, courtesy of ever cheery window cleaner. He promises to clean my lean to, on a day when he cleans the chicken factory, he tells me. I am surprised, thinking he only trawled the suburbs for trade, and am dying to know what other clients he cleans!
A toss up between being a domestic goddess or trip out. Me and the scarf go out. What we find is a spectacular, although when looked at closely some bits are disturbing, I find.
Bit of that
This is what I found only in Woodstock not Croydon
SHARMANKA Travelling Circus
NEW FREE exhibition in the Clocktower's Temporary Exhibition Gallery.
24 March - 23 June 2007
An extraordinary FREE exhibition of moving sculptures at the Museum of Croydon at Croydon Clocktower.
Beautiful while still, once an hour this magical menagerie of recycled metal springs to life to perform an incredible choreography to haunting music and synchronised light, weaving funny and tragic stories about human life.
'Sharmanka' means 'Hurdy-Gurdy' in Russian and these fascinating sculptures are the creation of sculptor-mechanic Eduard Bersudsky and theatre director Tatyana Jakovskaya.
Monday, 16 February 2009
Music and postman pat
Bit of this
I get up with the first chattering of the jackdaws. It's seven o'clock exactly.
I dance my heart out in pools of afternoon light to tracks from River Dance. The music blasts into my soul, dissolving my rigidity, compelling me to find expression in movement. I lay exhausted on the floor. Mission accomplished. I am numb. Sticking plaster re-stuck.
The post lady calls on Mrs T to see if she has letters, and is o k. A social worker in a red van.
Bit of that
Faith can move mountains. She's a bright girl.
('nother bit of graffiti)
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Therapy for some of us
Bit of this
The anonymous blond who belongs to the high heeled brown boots, wafts though the kitchen, and out of the door without a word. Thank God I have not got to cook lunch for a stranger then.
Lost in the colors of the graffiti cheering up the bridge. The pain in my back ebbs as I focus, and click.
The sign says "postponed come back next week end". The car makes up it's own mind and carries on to town, I bump into wonderful Nab, she gives me a hug. What a lovely surprise.
Clear Air Turbulence
Never "clear the air", instead investigate all the subtle nuances of the word fester.
(Nobody could do it better, I loved you anyway girl)
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Bit of this
The wooden pegs are stuck together in frozen kisses, they smack apart.
Lively sixties music as we drive south, into a bright blue sunny morning.
Old lady sat by her bed, looking out at a bird table. She has her arm upright elbow resting on the arm of her chair, long thin hand out stretched gazing intently. As if in her mind she is feeding the birds. There seems to be a peace within.
Bit of that
Xerox your life - if you loose t, it's nice to have a copy.
(if only we could do that with our memory!)
Friday, 13 February 2009
Make and do
bit of this
Creative and sparkling, I am invited in to share a treat. At the kitchen table wonderful work in progress, flowing figure appearing from haze of color. Upstairs a large 3d mermaid, has her own boudoir, complete with wig, fine embroidery and exquisite shells and beads appliqué on. The mermaid is holding a baby boy. In the garden a sculptured angel, huge wings, lovely face, stands in the bright sunshine. I have fallen into a small peace of heaven. I feel uplifted as I walk home.
Pick up a valentine card from the art table open it. "Jesus loves you". Mrs B confesses she leaves them in phone boxes and on benches!
The sox are morphing into leg warmers instead. My stress levels drop, now I chill, mindlessly clickerty clicking.
Bit of that
Eve was framed
(ladies loo Dublin)
Thursday, 12 February 2009
It's the process
Bit of this
Carefully wiping the large sword like leaves of my Orchid, there languishing under the dust and neglect perfectly formed buds ripening.
The children are excited we are to launch a beautiful blue and silver ballon with wishes, to help it on it's way. I have been diverted. In the distance a small tight giggle of children huddle, they are chanting and then a great whoosh of laughter as they release it, whoops of joy until it floats out of sight. They run to me with huge grins and red faces. I think they have created a memory for themselves. It was a truly perfect moment!
Hands in warm washing up water, I feel my blood pressure lower and I enter a beautiful peaceful space, hypnotized by a traditional Swedish Christmas song that I have recorded from Late Junction.
Bit of that
Taken from an early idea added into
The Principles Of Early Childhood Education (but guess what it might be there but I cannot find this statement in the zillion of words in the new document)
Childhood is seen as valid in itself.
It is a stage of life and not simply a preparation
for the
FUTURE !!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Bit of this
Brown fur glinting, whiskers twitching, one house mouse helping himself to bird food. The cat is behind glass.
I decide to go allotmenteering. I have to squeeze thought a narrow gap as the gate is locked. There is a notice "No dogs allowed". Good job mine is out of action then. I hesitate, virgin snow, feeling like an intruder, I wander here and there. I envision indignant allotment holders wondering who the interloper could be. I have been drawn toward 3 bright blue water butts, floating on each surface is a delicate wafer thin ice host. There are scenes that could illustrate a children's book. Gnomes peeking out of the snow, a black cat with diamond eyes, the odd individual shed with old fruit trees nearby. Added to this several bird scarers, one of which a huge bird swooping in the wind. The landscape has a magical quality. I feel I am one of the baddies in it.
A Bargain, warm soft sheepskin mittens and all for 2 pounds.
Bit of that
This could be mine chance to get on a cat walk. Attitude without arrogance. It's the Vogue Ball!
Monday, 9 February 2009
Magic every where
Bit of this
2 trees hip to hip, branches out stretched, poised as if ready to take the white snowy dance floor, and step in to the waltz.
Low barb wire fence. A clothes line of white sheep wool, caught blowing in the wind. A fairy wash day. The wool, is so delicate I imagine, they weave into it fairy wings.
Much chopping and mixing and stirring, listening to Radio 4. Discover I could have joined St Pixels , on line, yesterday, in place of a real church, a virtual one. I am amused ST Pixels!
Bit of that
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Dog drink and displacement
Bit of this
A bonus of the dog's insomnia, is I seem to have evicted all the indoor slugs. They have the sense only to come out and play in the dark. But where are they in the day? Following silver trails suggests under the stairs.
I am keeping the dog company again and hear a commotion. Son is rolled home by 2 very young men unable to stand. Conscious of my state of undress under flimsy dressing-gown, I go out and roll him in. Man about house is disturbed, puts him to bed. I stand by his bed side and silently pour all the love I have, weaving an imaginary cloak to protect him. But the thing that really helped him tonight from hypothermia was the kindness of 2 lads.
Standing under a comforting shower, I contemplate church. But am unable to face the prospect of being, 1 of a few. And am too late to hit town anonymity. Inspiration hits, I will nip and see a neighbor to ask if she would like me to get Library books for her, as she has had a fall. Books are not required, but she introduces me to her Hoover. A giant of an upright job. What she really needs is a Mrs Mop. I will do it but bring my own Hoover. She rushes me to cleaning cupboard and shows me feather dusters, while trying to stamp on an unfortunate spider. I quickly scoop it up. Walking home I reflect I can save her spiders even if my womanly talents can do little for son. And I can look forward to reacquainting myself with feathers???! Displacement is a wonderful thing!
Bit of that
It is forbidden to throw tantrums on the line.
(Pimlico underground station)
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Joy and grief
A bit of this
MY eyes are dazzled and I have a WOW moment as I open the curtains. Bright sunshine, seaside blue sky and thin delicate icicles drip from the low roof. Convinced, I want to rush out and play them, they will surely magic a pure sound.
Black Lab bouncing against bright snow. Joy personified.
The receptionist at the Vets has her grief counseling hat on. Providing a steadying hand and a kind word at a difficult time. Nothing is too much for her. They even have a book of remembrance I discover, where picture and poems can be placed. Whippet sensing others trauma heads smartly for the door, practically skipping to the car.
Bit of that
Make magic not tea.
Strood (Graffiti file)
Why is it in moments of stress we always put kettle on?
Friday, 6 February 2009
Enterprise and kindness
Bit of this
Is this a day of finally getting to grips wiv links. 1 thing down loads more to go. Thankyou 3BT. My daily snippet.
Thoughtful dad gets his shoulder behind a very large snowball left in the middle of the road, and shuves it on the side.
Up in the early hours eating crispy cornflakes, because the dog can't sleep!
Bit of that
Greatly heartened by the fact the Milkman selling canabis, has avoided prison.
I'd like to think I could find an enterprising pensioner like that to ease me and my miseries. I am desperate to know the story behind the first transaction.
Thursday, 5 February 2009
The brilliance of the day
Bit of this
A shimmer of possibilities, work cancelled due to snow.
The village is out and about, families, parents as euphoric as their offspring. More sedately couples arm in arm, even youth pokes it's nose out and sniffs the air.
A snowman is born on the green, for a fleeting moment much joy evolves around his space, more snowmen, snowball fights, passers by join the fun. I watch from my upstair open window inhaling the laughter. Eventually it dissolves, hat and scarf retrieved. The last dad trudges away without a backward glance. They stand with cheerful faces smiling at the cars as darkness creeps around them.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
marking a life
Bit of this
Man dressed in blue plus bobble hat, gamely peddles up and down long winding farm road to a breathtakingly beautiful church in a place time has forgotten, he beats me by a mile.
Shinny undertakers shoes smart black coats, lovely man directing us toward the door. I linger we chat, A colorful encounter in an unexpected place.
Words float, like seeds from a dandelion clock at sunset, giving light and translucent form to a life lived with a smile.
Bit if that
I am standing upon the foreshore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength and I stand and watch her until she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come down to minge with each other. Then someone at my side says "There She's gone!, "Gone where?" "Gone from my sight, that is all." She is just as large of mast and spa and hull as ever she was when she left my side, just as able to bear her load of living freight to the place of her destination. Her diminished size is in me, not her. And just at that moment when someone at my side says "There! she's gone!" there are other eyes watching her comming and other voices ready to take up the glad shout, "here she comes!" And that is dying..
Victor Hugo (a passage often attributed to Bishop Brent)
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Snowy morning
Monday, 2 February 2009
Hiccups and snow
Bit of this
Man in his stops engine green lorry and proudly pulls out picture on his zen 60 of his love, Ellie a lurcher. I am as captivated by this sleek black sexy gadget as I am by Ellie. I also feel he wants to flash his macho gismo as much as Ellie, he has snappy teenager Dale that sorts out hiccups.
Matt comes in slightly worse for wear, I shake with silent giggles as hiccups seep under his door.
Magical twisted twigs of willow, transformed in snow.
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Sunday in low gear
Bit of this
Turned the page of my calendar, a thing I always look forward to at months end. This year Childe Hassam, an American impressionist. And what fun I had in trawling the shops for a calendar that was to be my friend the whole year.

Speckled brown breasted, she patrols the garden, squaring up t0 male blackbirds and eyeballing the starlings who glare right back, She wins.
A dusting of snow. Childlike I rush out in the dark and make footprint patterns.
Bit of that
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