Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Different tunes

Bit of this
Dodging early morning traffic on the duel carriage way, heading toward the industrial park. All suited and booted a rare sight. He joins the hoodies, trendy youngsters plugged into their music, fluorescent persons on bikes, and the tired looking middle aged. They all cross at the crossing this one though is taking his life in his hands.

A white van and a loud knock, he stands there in wooly hat with a clip board. Not looking at me he points "print you name and sign here",  he repeats this several times getting more irritated, as I keep asking "why?". Then I notice what seems to be a bag of rabbit food under his arm. Oh, this then is a delivery man, not someone on a secret mission. I do as I am told now, and say "I am sorry for being a trouble maker", as he practically runs back to his white van. I am deeply suspicious of white vans, he obviously is deeply confused by batty old ladies refusing to play ball.

The radio presenter dissolves into giggles as he listens to a human siren.
Bit of that
This was a very entertaining program, If you can't listen to all 30 minutes, and the link starts at the beginning of the show, drag the play head to about 19.30, and you too will hear the human siren. Absolutely amazing. 

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