Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Fights of imagination

Bit of this
I wear a shocking pink scarf, turban style, that little sis gave me. I glimpse my reflection, but I only see the startling swirl of color, not the lined haggard face it frames. I feel exotic. Corse what the world and it's wife sees does not bear thinking about. So I don't.

My windows are sparkly clean, courtesy of ever cheery window cleaner. He promises to clean my lean to, on a day when he cleans the chicken factory, he tells me. I am surprised, thinking he only trawled the suburbs for trade, and am dying to know what other clients he cleans!

A toss up between being a domestic goddess or trip out. Me and the scarf go out. What we find is a spectacular, although when looked at closely some bits are disturbing, I find. 

Bit of that
This is what I found only in Woodstock not Croydon

SHARMANKA Travelling Circus

SHARMANKA Travelling Circus with lighting effects.NEW FREE exhibition in the Clocktower's Temporary Exhibition Gallery. 

24 March - 23 June 2007

An extraordinary FREE exhibition of moving sculptures at the Museum of Croydon at Croydon Clocktower.

Beautiful while still, once an hour this magical menagerie of recycled metal springs to life to perform an incredible choreography to haunting music and synchronised light, weaving funny and tragic stories about human life.

'Sharmanka' means 'Hurdy-Gurdy' in Russian and these fascinating sculptures are the creation of sculptor-mechanic Eduard Bersudsky and theatre director Tatyana Jakovskaya.

Sharmanka Travelling Circus detail of sculpture.


  1. Nice. Pictures are beautiful. I am an artist actually, and I love photography too, so, I observe pictures minutely. anyway, post was nice too.

    can you explain the above picture to me again please.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
